Rules & Regulation


The School reserves the right of admission. Submission of the application form does not carry any guarantee of admission.

The age for admission must be in accordance with the statutory regulations of the Board of Education. Transfer Certificate from schools of other states and other boards of education should bear the counter signature of the concerned authorities.

Application form and prospectus are available in the school office.

Children who have completed 2 ½ years are eligible for admission to Pre.K.G.
Children who have completed 3 years on 31st March of academic year are eligible for admission to L.K.G.
Parents/Guardian seeking admission to their children/Wards have to produce Birth Certificate at the time of Admission.
Students from other schools should produce Transfer Certificate(T.C) In primary Section, the students from other schools are selected on the basis of their performance in the assessment test.
Second Language Offered
LKG - I STD - Tamil / HIndi
II - VIII STD - Tamil / HIndi

* Once admission has been granted and the fees remitted, it will not be refunded, under any circumstances.

Some points from the management for the perusal of the student Jewels of SSVMS

Be punctual to school

Come to the school in neat and full uniform

Be regular in attendance

Avoid taking leave during tests/exams

Speak in English within the school premises

Develop neat handwriting

Read you daily lessons

Keep your books neatly covered and handle them carefully

Respect your teachers and elders

Speak the truth

Do not bring any valuable article to school

Maintain cleanliness in the classrooms and on school campus

Behave well during lunch time

Avoid running, shouting, talking loudly in the school premises

Do not scribble/write on the desks and walls of the classrooms


Joie De Vivre Provider
Jewel-like Teachers in our jewel-like school make the learning experience a joie de vivre. Our teachers are well experienced well qualified. The teachers who handle KG section are actually Montessori -Trained. In our school the accent is on improving students’ spoken English and Hindi skills.

Morality Standards Enhancer
We strongly believe in the well known adage that “ If character is lost-then everything is lost.” Our system of education helps the students to internalize various aspects of morality which actually boosts their morale in their life and thus making them achievers. To achieve this objective we not only have regular Moral Instruction classes but also yoga and meditation.

Sagacity Builder
Rote learning is advocated by many. Our experience shows that this does not actually help students in the long run. As a school with a difference, we not only teach our students academic knowledge but also other practical things of life. Thus students who have gone through education here will develop good judgement and understanding about various aspects of practical life

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